Our easy tracking tool helps map out your cycle for months. Plan a period-free beach trip or a big event like a wedding. Or track your peak ovulation times if you're trying. My Period Tracker / Calendar provide a very intuitive interface for girls / woman to track their ovulation, fertility period logs and menstrual cycles, create and edit notes, organize and navigate through to preview your historic records and forecasts.
Optimize training and recovery loads to the specific needs of female athletes
Monthly Period Tracker Printable
Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle impacts mood, energy levels, risk of ACL injuries and female athlete’s ability to train and perform
Phases and symptoms of the menstrual cycle reflect hormonal changes that determines how female athletes can adapt to workload at different points of their cycle. Monitoring the menstrual cycle helps coaches to plan light, heavy workloads and recovery according to each athlete’s individual cycle, and thus and maximize performance while minimizing the risk. (Adapted from: Keay, 2019)
AthleteMonitoring.com helps you monitor menstrual phases, symptoms, load, mitigate risk, and maximize athletic potential safely
Why Monitor Menstrual Cycle?
Regardless of how much exercise training a female athlete is undertaking; menstrual cycles should be reasonably regular. If this is not the case, then prompt action is important to identifying any underlying medical issue, or imbalance in training load, nutrition and recovery.
Zeevee driver. Fluctuating hormones are driving the adaptions to training, and can have large impact on the athlete’s emotions and mood.
The athlete’s capacity to tolerate and adapt to training loads will change at different phase of her cycle, monitoring the current and historical menstrual cycle, and adapting load and recovery based on the individual cycle, is essential to predict when the athlete will be physically and/or psychological tired and most at risk, or when athletes will be ready to perform and adapt to heavy workloads.
Monitor. Understand. Optimize
By closely monitoring menstrual cycles, you’ll be able to better understand how each athlete adapts to workload during each of menstrual phases, and:
- Target high intensity training in the early follicular phase
- Focus on strength development during the late follicular and ovulation phases
- Implement knee stability exercises to reduce the risk of ACL injuries during ovulation phase
- Explain mood changes and disrupted wellness response during luteal phases
- Plan recovery phases during the late luteal phase
- Prevent relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) by early detection of menstrual irregularity/change nature menstruation
- Detect irregular, light or loss of menses, which requires medical referral to exclude medical conditions and support diagnosis of relative energy deficiency in sport RED-S (part of female athlete triad)
- Detect PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), a medical condition that may require medical attention
Built on the Latest Science
Developed in partnership with Dr Nicky Keay, one of the world’s leading expert on female athlete health, AthleteMonitoring’s menstrual cycle tracker incorporates the latest research. It streamlines the monitoring of key indicators of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and the detection of cycle disruption, and underlying hormonal medical issue.
Leadship driver download for windows 10. Phases of the menstrual cycle
- Early follicular phase
- Mid follicular phase
- Late follicular phase
- Ovulation
- Luteal phase
Cycle disruption
- No menstrual bleed for 3 cycles or more (requires medical investigation)
- Unusually light period (possible RED-S)
- Unusually heavy periods (possible PCOS or fibroids: may require medical investigation)
- Unusual pain during menstrual bleed (possible endometriosis: may require medical investigation)
Did you know?
Almost all female athletes reports menstrual cycle-related symptoms, and 67% of them consider these symptoms as significant performance impairements
Menstrual phases, irregular cycles and potential medical issues are automatically detected by the system. Automated alerts and dashboard highlights athletes that warrant immediate individual attention, offer quick access to data and proactive recommendations

During this webinar, you’ll learn the latest women health’s science and the potential significance of menstrual status and phases of menstrual cycle on wellbeing, injury risk and performance. You’ll also learn best practice tips to adapt training type/load according to individual female athlete wellness report and mitigate the risk of ACL injury and overtraining by taking the phase of cycle into consideration.
Monthly Period Tracker Bullet Journal
Dr. Nicky Keay, BA, MA (Cantab), MB, BChir, MRCP
– Sports and Dance Endocrinologist
– Honorary Fellow Dept Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
If you are unsure about what practical steps to take when an athlete/dancer periods stop? If an athlete is struggling with fatigue and pain during the phases of her cycle, or if you wish to provide a better education for athletes, dancers, coaches and other support staff, Dr Nicky Keay can help you.
Period Tracker For First Period
To contact Dr Nicky Keay and learn more about her services, click here.
My Period & Ovulation Tracker
Dr. Nicky Keay, BA, MA (Cantab), MB, BChir, MRCP
Sports and Dance Endocrinologist
Honorary Fellow Dept Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
Free Menstrual Period Tracker
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