- Reflexology
Written By: Chloe Wilson BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy
Reviewed By: FPE Medical Review Board
Before beginning, your first step is to consult a foot chart and map your ailment to the appropriate spot on your foot or feet. Then, use your thumb and fingers to massage, slowly and deeply while kneading the pressure point. Continue to massage the specific point for 10 minutes before finishing with an overall foot massage. Reflexology Foot Chart - sole. This is a great beginners and professionals reflexology foot map. Simple diagrams like this one are great to learn, if you are keen to get started doing reflexology go straight to instructions on how to use a reflexology foot map today. Take the other hand into your hand. Repeat the process in Step 2 but apply the pressure below the middle finger instead of the index. For the best results, rub at the bottom of the hand close to the wrist. Place the patient's foot in your hands and rub on the middle inside of the arch. This is the same zone on both feet and stimulates the pancreas. Here are a few of the most important points on a foot reflexology map: The ridge beneath the toes on the top part of the ball of the foot, which corresponds to the shoulder or neckline. The ball of the foot, which reflects the chest. The arch of the foot, which mirrors the digestive organs.
A reflexology foot chart is a commonly used tool in complimentary medicine with reflexology becoming increasingly popular for reducing pain and stress.
Reflexology is not just a “posh” word for a foot massage, it is much more complex than just rubbing the feet!
Reflexology is based on the principle that the hands and feet are made up of zones which reflect the different organs, body parts and systems, known as reflex areas.
By stimulating these reflex areas, most commonly using specific massage techniques, you can reduce stress and pain in the related parts of the body and promote general well-being by improving the circulation of blood and energy.
Reflexology can be used to treat a variety of symptoms including headaches, sinus problems and stomach issues.
Here we will look at what reflexology is, how it started, how it works, what a reflexology foot chart looks like, the benefits of reflexology, the scientific research behind it, the benefits and risks and why reflexology should be used alongside conventional medicine rather than as an alternative.
What Is Reflexology?
The American Reflexology Certification Board defines reflexology as “a non-invasive, complementary practice involving thumb and finger techniques to apply alternating pressure to reflexes shown on reflex maps of the body located on the feet, hands and outer ears”.

Simply put, reflexology is all about applying pressure to specific areas of the feet, hands and ears guided by a reflexology foot chart or hand map.
With reflexology, constant pressure is applied, typically alternating between finger and thumb pressure to the hands and feet. It is not a case of simply rubbing or massaging the foot, it’s about applying pressure in the right way to the right areas.
It may be deep pressure through the arch of the foot, “thumb walking” through the different zones from a reflexology foot chart, soft kneading through the ball of the foot or one of the other techniques reflexologists use.
Some reflexologists may also use various items such as rubber bands, balls and sticks to assist them in their work.
The Origins of Reflexology
The origins of reflexology can be traced back around 5000 years to Egypt and China. Hieroglyphics found in a pyramid in Egypt dating back to 2330 BC show reflexology as part of Egyptian culture at that time.
By the end of the 14th century a version known as “reflex zone therapy” was being used throughout Europe. In zone therapy the body is divided into ten longitudinal zones (five on each side of the body).
Each zone runs down the body, diverges into one of the arms, and continues straight down through the body and into the particular leg, all the way to the respective foot to line up with a particular toe.
Three transverse lines were later introduced, dividing the body horizontally as well as vertically.
Modern reflexology developed in the early 20th century largely due to the works of Dr William Fitzgerald and physiotherapist Eunice Ingham, who are considered the father and mother of reflexology.
Their works greatly increased understanding of how reflexology works. They built on the theory of zone therapy by mapping the entire body into “reflexes” on the feet leading to the first reflexology foot chart.
How Does Reflexology Work?
Reflexology claims to work on the theory of Qi (pronounced Chee) – an invisible energy field or life force that flows through the different channels or zones in the body. The theory is that if your Qi is disrupted or blocked through stress, injury, illness, toxicity or congestion then the body becomes unbalanced, unable to heal itself and pain can develop.

Reflexology aims to remove any blockages and allow Qi to flow freely through the whole body until a state of balance, known as homeostasis, is achieved.
By stimulating different areas from a reflexology foot chart, reflexologists improve the flow of energy to the linked body part and restore the balance and flow of Qi. This allows a deep state of relaxation which enables the body to heal itself. Reflexology also produces endorphins, chemicals which help to reduce pain and stress.
What Is A Reflexology Foot Chart?
Imagine a map of your whole body projected onto your foot - that is essentially what a reflexology foot chart or map is. Each part of the body is represented on a certain part of one or both feet.
It’s not as simple as drawing a body on your foot, instead the size, position and scale is altered e.g. the sinuses are linked to the tips of each of the toes and the knee is linked to part of the outer border of the sole of the foot.
Here is an example of a reflexology foot chart (you can find more examples at the end of this article):
One reflexology foot chart may look slightly different to another, but each of the organs and body parts will be represented in similar positions. Some reflexology foot maps are more detailed than others which accounts for many of the differences.
Benefits of Reflexology
Reflexologists claim that by manipulating the feet, as guided by a reflexology foot chart, they can:
- Balance Energy: the flow of Qi throughout the body
- Improve Circulation: of blood, nutrients and nerve signals
- Improve Health: boost the immune system
- Promote Healing
- Cleanse The Body: from various toxins
- Release Endorphins: chemical which help to reduce pain and stress
- Promote Relaxation
Reflexology is becoming increasing popular as it is considered to be a safe, non-invasive, natural treatment, without the need for drugs or chemicals. It is also easy to learn the techniques and self-apply almost anywhere, anytime, all you need is some simple instruction and a reflexology foot chart.
Scientific Evidence For Reflexology
Some reflexologists claim that by treating people using the points from a reflexology foot chart as a guide, they can treat a variety of medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma and cancer, but there is no robust scientific data to prove these claims.
However, several studies (funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute) have shown that reflexology may reduce pain and thus decrease the amount of pain medication required, help to improve psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety, and enhance relaxation and sleep.
Reflexology has also been found to reduce the intensity of labour pains and to be a helpful adjunct with cancer patients during palliative care.
Is Reflexology Safe?
Stimulating the different areas from a reflexology foot chart is generally considered safe, but reflexology should not be used in the following instances:
- During Pregnancy: as it hasn’t be proven that it doesn’t increased the risk of miscarriage
- Skin Conditions: any contagious diseases or infections on the feet or hands such as eczema, psoriasis or chicken pox
- Localised Inflammation: swelling of the feet or hands
- Localised Injury: fractures, unhealed wounds or gout
- Illness: If you are unwell due to an infection, have a temperature, diarrhoea or vomiting
- DVT: deep vein thrombosis – a type of blood clot
- Large Varicose Veins
- Adverse Reaction: if you have an adverse reaction either during or after a session you should discontinue treatment
Full Body Reflexology Chart
Reflexology should always be viewed as a complementary therapy, meaning it is a technique that can be used alongside conventional medicine. It should not be used as alternative therapy where alternative medicine e.g. aromatherapy or hypnotherapy is used instead of conventional medicine.
Reflexology should not be used as a stand-alone treatment, nor should it delay the use of conventional medicine. It should only ever be used as an adjunct to treatment, alongside scientifically proven treatments.
Side Effects of Reflexology
Everyone responds differently to reflexology treatment but people commonly report:
- Fatigue: and drowsiness
- Headaches: these should be short lived
- Mood Changes: feeling more emotional
- Increased Urination: make sure you stay well hydrated
It is important to take it easy after your treatment session, and to gain the most benefit it is advisable to go home and rest for an hour or so. Make sure you drink plenty of water to eliminate the build-up of toxins that are released during treatment.
Reflexology Foot Chart Variety
As we have discussed, one reflexology foot chart may differ slightly from another - there are numerous versions of reflexology foot maps out there. They will all have organs and body parts in similar places, but some may be more detailed than others including a greater number of regions.
Here are some more examples of foot reflexology charts:
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Page Last Updated: 10/11/20
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DIY Free reflexology chart. Using this ancient hidden technique - Reflexology!
Foot reflexology and chart

Are you feeling stressed out? Do you have a winter cold or bug? This can help you get back on your feet! As were coming up to winter we will encounter all sorts of illness. Not only that life can be a big ball of stress. Treat yourself today to a reflexology massage!! I will show you how.

Are you missing out on the amazing art of reflexology?
Over 20 million people have used my reflexology chart and advice to improve their lives - so why not you? Ok, so in the evening the TV is on, you check or surf on your phone, emails falling in your inbox. Picture it!... all the demands on you in a day, it is not surprising that you find it hard to relax. Double that up with a stinking cold or winter illness. Stress can create a knock on effect on our hormones and prevent the relaxation needed to properly sleep. Well, this was a summary of how I felt last year before I uncovered the hidden secret of reflexology.
So what is it? How will it help me?
In reflexology there are certain points or nerves that are contained in your feet, that are associated with organs and different parts of the body. These points need to be massaged in order to eliminate stress, built up tension, illness and pain. Reflexology is an alternative healing method that has been in practice for thousands of years. And, did you know that it's an ancient practice and was passed down through an oral tradition, and possibly first recorded as a pictograph on and Egyptian tomb? It is very difficult to track exactly how old this alternative method of medicine is. Basically it is accomplished by applying pressure to certain areas of the hands, feet, and ears, it is believed that the pain from nerve damage or stress will be lessened. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter how old it is… what matters is that it works! You will be glad you tried it!
Running this website can be stressful, especially when things go wrong technically - and in life I was looking for something to help me take care of myself. Yes, self-reflexology saved the day!! This ancient art has been jumbled into the category of being somewhat a mystery but it is worth a go.
Wait.. lets get down to business:
Firstly, you need to understand the mercian and focal points. We have drawn a handy foot chart which you can download and use to assist you in performing your own reflexology, each area of the foot is connected to a part of your body. Massaging these areas will make you feel relaxed and happy again. It helps with any insomnia, stress and more importantly it breaks the cycle of negative energies and forces one to clear their mind. So at the end of the day, employing the typical techniques I list here can help you improve your mental well-being. Go for it I say. As a trained reflexologist I will show you how to massage your own feet to ensure you can create not only calmness but also to maximize relaxation.
All that stress could ruin your inner self, but employing this technique you can start to feel better - boy, is that not worth it? Don’t worry it is relatively easy and you can use both your thumbs and fingers so lets do it now.
Soaking your feet in warm water or taking a long hot bubble bath before you carry out the reflexology will help you destress and relax - great news is that you can also perform reflexology in the bath using the ball massage outlined below. Also try to apply flour or talcum powder to help keep you from having sweaty feet if you decide not to take a bath. You can wear your socks so don’t worry. Oh yes, and if you cannot reach your foot a chair or anything with a round end will do. Even the end of a broom! If you don’t have time, fill a jar of marbles and stand on them.Ok, now we have identified some important areas to massage, let’s run through the approach of massage. There are three types that you can apply.
1. Thumb walking in reflexology
This is a key massage technique which uses the joint of the thumb. You should try to work the massage as if your thumb is a worm and using the joint of the thumb. Press your thumb forward over the other thumb and wiggle.
2. Ball massage - using a marble:For this you need a small ball around 1.5 inches round. Use your thumb to move in a round firm circle motion clockiwise. Alternatively, you can stand on the ball and apply the pressure for 15 seconds. Release and then start again.
3. Rotation method of massage: The rotation method is using your thumb in order to create a circular motion clockwise to begin with, then counter-clockwise. Press your thumb hard at the end and work on the areas in the diagram above.

Check the foot chart above for the regions below:
- If your in the office try massaging your big toe, this represents the head and brain. Apply massage pressure here to relieve colds and headaches. The brain is known as the hub of your central nervous system, massaging the meridian point will help your overall body feel better.
- Lung and chest - If you have a cold then the portion of the soles of the feet are connected to your chest. The energy in the lung is released when this is massaged and can help with any respiratory problems.
- The gall bladder when pressed will rejuvenate the gall bladder. Managing this regularly will stimulate your bile acids and help with digestion of fats.
- Kidneys - This area is found in the middle of the sole of the foot. When massaged, this meridian point will help elminate acidic and help speed up your metabolism and weight loss. Massaging the kids is also great for helping blood pressure.
- The small intestines is where we digest all our food. This is massaged to help with healthy skin and also breaking down fatty acids that your body needs. Massaging this area can help ensure the correct nutrients are in your body.
- No doubt about it, when you have a cold make sure you massage the throat nose and neck area which are found in the bottom bridge of your big toe.
- The spinal region in reflexology goes all the way along the inside of your foot, massage this for back problems or just to ease stress and tension. Also known as the lumber or vertebrate.
- The pancreas meridian can be seen near the kidney. This controls your sugar levels and hyperglycaemia.
- The thyroid gland found in the middle of the soles of the foot will help with weight loss - as this is responsible for our hormones (T3) and also (T4) These hormones help us develop and grow. They are great areas to massage on children to help growth. Additionally, massaging this area can help your concentration great if you have an exam looming.
- Your stomach is found on the sole of the foot, and by pressing this meridian point can encourage good digestion. Focusing on the stomach, massaging this area is normally connected to feeling less anxiety. Working on this area will enable a more calming and soothing approach to life. This is due to our inner chakra system of the solar plexus. In essence, massaging the stomach area of the foot can remove those “nervous” or “butterfly” feelings when your feeling particularly stressed.
- The smallest part of your feet is normally associated with your waist, rectrum and groin. Apply the ball method of massage in order to release tension in this area.
To help you better analyse the diagram above to understand the certain areas such as the nose and eyes and how these appear. Using my chart, the logic and areas of the foot are clearly outlined. Please note, both feet are different and provide an area for each side of the body. For example we can see the heart is positioned on the left hand side foot. Using my chart you can easily find the key areas you wish to work on. Spiritually, working on say for example the eyes will allow you to see from the third eye and meditate to gain answers to the future!
Reflexology Foot Map Printable
So, How Exactly Can Reflexology Help You Out?
There are many things reflexology can help with. Most often, reflexology is used to alleviate pain from nerve damage and relieve headaches and other ailments. While not agreed upon as a legitimate medical practice, many agree that reflexology is helpful and useful as a medical treatment. That’s not all reflexology can do for you. Some other known benefits of reflexology are:
- Improved Circulation – Blood and oxygen are better cycled throughout the body, speeding up healing and replacement of damaged cells.
- High Energy Levels – Increase your metabolism and energy creation processes!
- Nervous System Stimulation – By opening neural pathways, reflexology can increase your motor skills, cognitive function, and even boost memory!
- “Speed Healing” -Due to increased nerve activity and blood circulation, paired with a faster metabolism, cells will begin to heal and repair themselves at a faster rate.
- Reduction/Elimination of Headaches – One of the most popular uses of reflexology, eliminating headaches and migraines by applying pressure to, and therefore relaxing, nerves and muscles linked to the cause of headaches and migraines.
Map Of Your Foot Reflexology Pictures
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Map Of Your Foot Reflexology Images
Oh... finally...relaxation done right! The relaxation benefits alone are compelling reasons to give reflexology a try. More relaxation means more time spent enjoying the day instead of being in pain and hiding from the light. More time spent with your family enjoying time together instead of being curled up on the couch with Advil and a TV show. Reflexology has proven very effective in relaxation and pain relief. Surely seeing people with a little more flounce in their bounce makes for a good amount of proof. It’s not hard to see why people use this in the evening to relax. Give it a go now!