Dillinger Github

My name is Alana Dillinger and I am senior at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. I will be graduating in May 2020 with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Math and minors in Computer Science and Economics. I have a passion for problem solving and am seeking a job oppotunity in which I can help make a positive impact while applying all of the many skills I have gained over the years.

I have so many github repos and none of them had proper README.md in it because I thought markdown is yet another markup language which requires learning. Before bringing this blog up I learnt markdown and documented it as public gist. However, if you’ve been looking for an easier, online solution, try out Dillinger. It is a web-based markdown editor with a live preview section that enables you to view the output of applied text formatting. In addition, the application supports saving markdown documents to your Dropbox storage and Github account. Github Linkedin Welcome to my website! My name is Alana Dillinger and I am senior at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. I will be graduating in May 2020 with a Bachelors of Science in Applied Math and minors in Computer Science and Economics. I have a passion for problem solving and am seeking a job oppotunity in which I can help make a.

3 Years
1 Year
4 Years
2 Years
2 Years
2 Years
1 Year
1 Year
2 Years
1 Year
2 Years
2 Years
4 Years
1 Year
1 Year

Dillinger.io Github

Microsoft Office

Excel Proficient

Outlook Advanced

Word Advanced

Power Point Advanced

Organizational Management Intern August 2018 - May 2019

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With the Gonzaga University Event Service Team, I worked closely with the professional staff, other inters, and stuent staff to plan and host events, manage internal projects, and initiate new policies and procedures for the building and student staff.

I collaborted with four other interns to plan the display and reception before the 20th anniversary of Gonzaga's Institute of Hate Studies. Together, we planned an activity for attendies, created photo displays for the tables, and researched the history of hate in Spokane to create an impactful display for the evening.

For a semester, I managed my own project to develop a cohesive manual for all student staff to follow during their time as student employees at Gonzaga. I worked closely with professional staff within my department, reaching out to numerous other on campus departments for information, and delegating sections of the manual to student staff in order to develop and complete a functional manual.

I led a group of six student employees in the GUEST department, we planned small activites for the student center for students to participate in. Together, we planned the events, submitted purchase requests for all the required materials, and set up and ran the events. Our largest event was a March Madness game watch for Gonzagas appearence in the round of 32. Over 1,000 students atteneded and enjoyed watching the game with snacks and raffle prizes all from partnerships we had developed with on campus partners.

CodeU ChatApp:

Dillinger Markdown Github

Interact with other users in a web chat app. Create new converstions, send messages, reply to others, and develop a personal user profile. Features include replying to previously sent messages, real time updates, and relative time timestamps. Built with a team of two peers during the summer as part of Google's CodeU Program.

Space Race:

A variation of the classic game Yahtzee. Players travel through space by rolling dice that represent the plants to score points. The game is scored similar to Yahtzee and the player with the highest score at the end wins. Built with a team of two peers over a semester.

Stability of Numerical Methods Research

Exploring the idea of increasing stability and accuracy of methods to solve ordinary differential equations through using more variables leading to free parameters. Then varying the free parameter to maximize stability.

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My Resume

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